Stories for Everyone Navigating Modern Family Life
Everything starts with family, but family means different things to different people. At FamilyMinded, we cover all the topics related to the modern family, including relationships, pregnancy, parenting and health. Published by Big Edition, FamilyMinded is a digital community that focuses on underreported and often overlooked family topics to help people understand how family shapes who we are, how we see ourselves and how we relate to others.

Our mission is to promote healthy living for all families.
- Our editorial team publishes original articles on family topics with underreported angles that are often overlooked.
- Our most popular topics cover parenting (30%), babies (25%), home life (20%), relationships (15%) and wellness (10%).
- Example stories include “Best Baby Names for Boys and Girls,” “Rules for Visiting a Newborn,” “Top U.S. Public High Schools by State,” “Parenting Fails,” “Funny Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids” and “Best Places to Live for Your Family’s Mental Health.”
- Our audience is mobile-first, 58 percent female and 42 percent male, 22 percent ages 25-34, 21 percent ages 35-44, 17 percent ages 45-54, 16 percent ages 18-24, 14 percent ages 55-64 and 10 percent 65+.
Work With Us
FamilyMinded loves to work with people who love family. If you’re interested in freelancing for us, creating a partnership or looking for other ways to connect, please contact us, and let us know how you would like to work with us.