14 Things People Say When They’re Lying That They Don’t Even Realize Give Them Away

​Understanding the subtle cues that may indicate lying improves our ability to navigate social interactions more effectively. But sometimes, despite knowing that someone is lying, it’s hard to pinpoint why. Interestingly, liars often betray themselves through their words. While no single phrase guarantees dishonesty, certain words and speech patterns should raise your ears.

Here are some common phrases that you should be aware of.

“To be honest…”

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Ever notice how people who insist they’re being honest often aren’t? This phrase is meant to reinforce sincerity, but in reality, it can signal the opposite. If someone is genuinely honest, they don’t need to announce it. Instead of proving their integrity, they might just be overcompensating for a lie.

“I swear on [something important]…”

Credit: Yauhen Akulich

The more dramatic the oath, the more suspicious it sounds. When someone swears on their mother’s life or some other serious matter, they may be trying too hard to sound credible. Genuine truth doesn’t need theatrics—liars, on the other hand, often feel the need to overcompensate.

“I don’t remember doing that.”

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Conveniently forgetting an event is a sneaky way to dodge blame. Instead of outright denying something (which could be proven false), a liar can claim they “don’t remember.” This keeps their options open—if caught later, they can argue it wasn’t an intentional deception.

“Why would I do that?”

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Instead of directly addressing the accusation, liars flip the script. By turning the question back on you, they force you to justify their actions. This clever deflection distracts from the real issue and shifts focus away from their potential wrongdoing, making them seem innocent.

“I was just kidding.”

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A liar’s favorite fallback. When someone gets caught in a lie—or says something they shouldn’t—they often claim it was “just a joke.” This way, they can avoid accountability while still planting seeds of doubt. If they weren’t confronted, would they have still been “kidding”?

“As far as I know…”

Credit: YuriArcus

This phrase adds just enough uncertainty to create plausible deniability. Instead of outright lying, someone might hedge their statement with this vague disclaimer. That way, if they’re caught, they can argue they weren’t technically dishonest—they just didn’t have all the facts.

“I didn’t touch your [specific item].”

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When someone gets oddly specific with their denial, something’s off. Instead of saying, “I didn’t take it,” they might say, “I didn’t touch your wallet at all.” The added detail is often a sign they’re fabricating a story—because truthful people tend to keep it simple.

“You can trust me.”

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Honest people don’t need to convince you of their trustworthiness—you just know. When someone feels the need to reassure you repeatedly, it can be a red flag. Trust is earned through actions, not words, and liars often rely on verbal persuasion instead of genuine credibility.

“I would never lie to you.”

Credit: YuriArcus

If someone is truly honest, why do they need to declare it? This phrase is often used as a defensive tactic, meant to reinforce credibility when it’s lacking. Ironically, people who genuinely don’t lie usually don’t feel the need to say so—they let their actions prove it.

“I didn’t even know about that.”

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Feigning ignorance is one of the oldest tricks in the book. If someone claims they had no knowledge of a situation—especially one that directly involves them—it could be a way to create distance. The problem? Many liars underestimate how much they’ve already let slip.

“Believe me…”

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The harder someone pushes for you to believe them, the less you probably should. This phrase is often used when a liar senses skepticism and wants to shut it down quickly. Instead of providing proof, they double down on persuasion—hoping their insistence will override your doubts.

“I heard that…”

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Rumors thrive on this phrase. By attributing information to an unnamed source, liars can spread misinformation without taking full responsibility. If the claim turns out to be false, they can easily backpedal, saying, “That’s just what I heard,” rather than admitting they made it up.

“I was going to tell you…”

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Sure, they were—right after they got caught. This phrase is a last-ditch effort to save face when someone is confronted with information they were trying to hide. By pretending they intended to be honest all along, they hope to soften the blow of their deception.

“I didn’t mean to…”

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While mistakes happen, repeating this excuse too often can indicate someone isn’t taking responsibility for their actions. This phrase shifts the focus from what happened to what was intended. It’s a way to minimize wrongdoing by suggesting the act was accidental, even if it wasn’t.

“That’s not important right now.”

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Translation: “Let’s not talk about this because it makes me uncomfortable.” When someone dismisses a topic as unimportant—especially one that seems very relevant—it’s often because they don’t want to address it. In many cases, the very thing they’re avoiding is the most important detail.

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